

Hradní Šplhavec 10°- Local Craft Beer Šplhavec

Král Šumavy 11°- lager Beer

Klostermann 13°- semi-dark ale

Birell Pomelo/ Grep – Non alcoholic fruit infused beer

Soft drinks

Šumavěnka – local lemonade (Orange, Lemon)

Pilsner Urquell 12°

Birell – Non alcoholic lager Beer

Šumavěnka/ local lemonade (Cola Mix, Apple/Cherry, Grapefruit, Raspberry, Ice Tea- peach)

100% apple juice

Magnesia/ Mineral water (Sparkling/lightly sparkling/ still)

  • Espresso
  • Lungo
  • Cappuccino
  • Latte macchiato
  • Flat white

Tea according to our selection

Honey wine hot or cold

Rum Tea

Hruškovice Baron – Pear slivovitz


Becherovka – Herbal liquer

Fernet – Bitter herbal liquer


Hot dog with ketchup or mustard

Local grilled meat sausage with ketchup or mustard and horseradish

French fries with ketchup or tartar sauce

Grilled Camembert-type cheese, mixed salad leaves, cranberries and bread

Grilled smoked cheese, mixed salad leaves, cranberries and bread

Grilled pork chop sous-vide, ketchup or mustard, horseradish, bread